Chin Pang LEI 李 展 鵬

Assistant Professor

Administrative Roles

  • Master Programme Coordinator (Macao Studies)
  • Chair, Internship Sub-Committee, Department of Communication
  • Member, Departmental Executive Committee, Department of Communication
  • Member, Undergraduate Steering Committee, Department of Communication

Academic Qualifications

  • PhD in Media and Cultural Studies (University of Sussex, Brighton)
  • MA in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature (Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou)
  • BA in Journalism (ChengChi University, Taipei)

Research Areas

  • Cinema studies, popular culture, gender studies, media studies, post-colonial culture, urban space and urban culture, and celebrity studies

Courses Taught

  • Introduction to Mass Communication, Media and Current Events, Chinese Journalistic Writing and Reporting, TV playwright, Society and Politics of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, Introduction to News and Journalism, Field Internship, Communicating in a Global Society, Workshop: Chinese Publication, Popular Culture and Communication, Cinema Studies, Creative and Cultural Industries: A Media Studies Approach, Global Media Studies, Culture and Society of Macau, Research Seminar on Macau Studies


Journal Articles

  • Lei, C. P. (forthcoming) Vicissitudes of the underworld: Spatiality and political discourse in Hong Kong gangster films. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies (AHCI Q1 [JCI])
  • Lei, C. P. (2023) Stories about somewhere else: Mobility and “spatial others” in Hong Kong Cinema. Asian Studies Review (SSCI Q1 [JCI]).
  • Lei, C. P. (2023) “Take the longest way to cross the street”: Mobile women in Wong Kar-wai’s films. Gender, Place & Culture (SSCI Q2 [JCI]).
  • Lei, C. P. (2023) One master, many identities: Kung fu and history in the films about Ip Man. Asian Journal of Social Science, 51(3), 155-161. (SSCI Q3 [JCI]).
  • Lei, C. P. (2022) The memories of journeys: spatialization of time in Wong Kar-wai’s nostalgic films. Arts, 11(4), 72 (ESCI Q1 [JCI]).
  • Lei, C. P. (2021) ‘Indecent’ women and gendered memory: Reflective nostalgia in Hong Kong cinema. Asian Journal of Communication, 31(3), 163-178. (SSCI Q2 [JCI])
  • Lei, C. P. (2019) “I hate to pull a bullet out of my body”: Crisis-ridden men and postcolonial identity in Wong Kar-Wai’s cinematic Hong Kong. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 21(3), 407-422. (SSCI Q1 [JCI])
  • Lei, C. P. (2016) 香港有個黑社會:香港黑幫片中的政治意識 [Hong Kong triads: political consciousness in Hong Kong gangster films]. 電影欣賞 [Film Appreciation Journal], 168-169, 88-93.
  • Lei, C. P. (2010) 回歸十年,影像沒有缺席:澳門的獨立電影 [Ten years after the handover: Independent films in Macau]. 藝術評論 [Arts Criticism] ,4, 46-51. (CSSCI)
  • Lei, C. P. (2010) 這個時代,這些劇場作品:談澳門回歸十年前夕的幾部劇場作品 [Theater productions before the tenth anniversary of Macau’s handover]. 廣東藝術 [Guangdong Art], 1, 40-43

Book Chapters

  • Lei, C. P. (forthcoming). The stardom of Anita Mui: Gender, Genre and Chineseness in Hong Kong cinema. In L. Feng (Ed.), Film history and screen culture in and beyond greater China. Routledge.
  • Lei, C. P. (2022). Sword-wielding and gun-shooting women: Gender and post-colonial Hong Kong in Wong Kar-wai’s films. In Middlemost and S. Gerrard (Eds.), Gender and action films 1980-2000: Beauty in motion (pp. 139-153). Emerald.
  • Lei, C. P. (2022). 一個賭城的空間政治:澳門的城市景觀、保育運動與本土身份 [The spatial politics of a casinopolis: Urban space, preservation movements and local identity of Macau]. 楊鳴宇等著, 澳門政經二十年 [Macau’s twenty years: politics and economy] (pp.63-88). 五南[Wunan].
  • Lei, C. P. (2020). Spatial politics in an eastern casinopolis: Urban space, power, and resistance in Macau. In M. U. Ieong (Ed.), Macau 20 years after the handover: Changes and challenges under “one country, two systems”(pp. 20-35). Routledge
  • Lei, C. P. (2018). 「人生客路永沒平」:許鞍華的旅程電影與香港意識 [Journeys and Hong Kong-ness in Ann Hui’s films]. 卓男、吳月華編, 許鞍華電影四十 [Ann Hui’s forty years of filmmaking] (pp. 46-58). 三聯[Joint]
  • Lei, C. P. (2018). 在城市犯罪,在江湖闖盪:林青霞在王家衛電影中的性別形象 [Brigitte Lin’s gender images in Wong Kar-wai’s films]. 李焯桃、陳志華編, 雲外笑紅塵:林青霞 [Red dust beyond the cloud: Brigitte Lin](頁88-93), 香港國際電影節[Hong Kong International Film Festival].
  • Lei, C. P. (2017). 用二十年了解一種電影:我對主流港片的懺悔錄 [A confession about mainstream Hong Kong cinema]. 張偉雄編, 戀戀光塵:我和電影的二三事2 [In love with films: My stories about cinema](頁38-55), 香港電影評論學會[Hong Kong Film Critics Society].
  • Lei, C. P. (2017). 梅艷芳:從藝人變成文化符號 [Anita Mui: From an artist to a cultural Icon]. 卓男、蒲鋒編, 群芳譜:當代香港電影女星 [Portrayal of contemporary female stars in Hong Kong cinema](頁102-113), 三聯[Joint].
  • Lei, C. P. (2014). 如何成為文創之城:澳門文化政策與文化產業發展趨勢 [The trends of cultural policy and cultural industry of Macau]. 吳志良、郝雨凡編, 澳門經濟社會發展報告2013-2014 [A report on the development of Macau’s economy and society 2013-2014](頁203-214). 社會科學文獻出版社[Social Sciences Academic Press].
  • Lei, C. P. (2014). 香港式的憤怒狂歡:路姆西與香港文化症狀 [Lufsig and the cultural syndrome of Hong Kong]. 賈葭編, 香港:是綠洲還是沙漠 [Hong Kong: An oasis or desert] (頁75-88). 中信 [Citic].
  • Lei, C. P. (2013). 十年澳門,影像沒有缺席:澳門的獨立電影 [Ten years after the handover: Independent films in Macau]. 澳門人文社會科學研究文選編委會編, 澳門人文社會科學研究文選(2008-2011)[A collection of research articles in social science and humanities in Macau](頁787-794). 社會科學文獻出版社及澳門基金會[Social Sciences Academic Press & Macau Foundation]
  • Lei, C. P. (2009). 在賭場旁邊栽種藝文: 澳門藝術文化發展報告 [A report on the development of art and culture in Macau]. 吳志良、郝雨凡編, 澳門經濟社會發展報告2008-2009(頁330-341) [A report on the development of Macau’s economy and society 2008-2009]. 社會科學文獻出版社[Social Sciences Academic Press].
  • Lei, C. P. (2007). 我們的天空, 我們的城市文化: 澳門天際線的空間意義 [The spatial meanings of Macau’s skyline]. 梁惠英、趙家權編, 城市文化形象的塑造 [The creation of the cultural images of cities](頁117-122. 澳門基金會[Macau Foundation].

Authored Books

  • Lei, C. P. (2019). 夢伴此城:梅艷芳與香港流行文化 [Dream and the city: Anita Mui and Hong Kong popular culture]. 三聯[Joint].
  • Lei, C. P. (2018). 隱形澳門:被忽略的城市與文化 [Invisible Macau: An ignored city and culture]. 遠足文化[Walkers Books].
  • Lei, C. P. (2013). 在世界邊緣遇見澳門 [Encountering Macau at the edge of the world]. 澳門日報出版社[Macao Daily Press].
  • Lei, C. P. (2007). 旅程瞬間 [The moments on journeys]. 澳門日報出版社[Macao Daily Press].
  • Lei, C. P. (2004). 電影的一百種表情 [One hundred expressions of films]. 澳門日報出版社[Macao Daily Press].

Edited Books

  • Lei, C. P. (Ed.) (2020). 香港電影2019:時代影像 [Hong Kong cinema 2019: The images of the era]. 香港電影評論學會[Hong Kong Film Critics Society].
  • Lin, Z-w., Hung, K. & Lei, C. P. (Eds.) (2018). 共生此城:東南亞及南亞人在澳門 [Coexist in the city: Southeast Asians and south Asians in Macau]. 新生代青年文化會[New Generation Youth Association].
  • Tse, T. & Lei, C. P. (Eds.) (2017). 舞蹈年鑑2015 [Macau dance annual report 2015]. 澳門文化局[Macau Cultural Affair Bureau].
  • Tse, T. & Lei, C. P. (Eds.) (2016). 舞蹈年鑑2014 [Macau dance annual report 2014]. 澳門文化局[Macau Cultural Affair Bureau].
  • Lei, C. P., Tong, M. S., Ieong, L., Liu, Z.-x. & Lou, V. (Eds.) (2015). 書寫我城: 澳門文學補充教材 [Writing our city: Supplementary teaching materials of Macau literature]. 澳門教青局[Education and Youth Bureau].
  • Lei, C. P. & Chaknam (2014). 最後的蔓珠莎華: 梅艷芳的演藝人生 [The last cluster amaryllis: Anita Mui’s art and life]. 三聯 [Joint]


  • Top Paper Award given by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference (AEJMC) in 2023. (Title of the article: ‘Do Popular Songs Reflect Economic Conditions and Major Social Events? An Analysis of Cantopop between 1978 and 2020’. Co-authored by Lee, T. T. & Lei, C. P.)

Keynote Speech

  • Lei, C. P. (2022, June 16). 梅艷芳與姜濤:疫情下的香港明星文本 [Anita Mui and Keung To: Hong Kong Star Texts under Covid 19]. The 17th International Conference on Development and Tendencies in Communications Management (online conference), Shih Hsin University, Taipei

Conference Papers/Presentations

  • Lei, C. P. (2022, May 25). Anita: Stardom and cultural memory in Hong Kong cinema [Paper presentation]. Forgotten Popular Culture: Asian Cinema and Film History (online conference), University of Leicester, Leicester.
  • Lei, C. P. (2019, March 10). 回憶總是流動的:許鞍華的旅程故事、微觀歷史與香港意識 [Ann Hui’s stories of journeys, micro-history, and Hong-Kong-ness] [Paper presentation]. 台灣文化研究年會[Annual Conference of Taiwan Cultural Studies Association], 交通大學[Chiao Tung University], 台北[Taipei].
  • Lei, C. P. (2018, June 3). Genres as time machines: Alternative history in Hong Kong cinema [Paper presentation]. ACCS (The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies) 2018, Kobe Art Center, Kobe.
  • Lei, C. P. (2018, March 10). 香港是個黑社會:港產黑幫片的政治意識 [The political consciousness of Hong Kong gangster films] [Paper presentation]. 台灣文化研究年會[Annual Conference of Taiwan Cultural Studies Association], 台灣大學[University of Taiwan], 台北[Taipei].
  • Lei, C. P. (2017, June 3). The subversion of masculine genre and the writing of postcolonial identity in Hong Kong Cinema [Paper presentation]. ACCS (The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies) 2017, Kobe Art Center, Kobe.
  • Lei, C. P. (2017, March 11). 四個葉問,三種香港身份:從葉問電影看港片的身份認同與歷史意識 [Identities and historical consciousness in the films about Ip Man] [Paper presentation] . 台灣文化研究年會[Annual Conference of Taiwan Cultural Studies Association], 淡江大學[Tamkang University], 台北[Taipei].
  • Lei, C. P. (2015, October 17). 香港「神獸」路姆西:網路公共領域的髒話文化 [Hong Kong monster Lufsig: Foul language in the public sphere on the internet] [Paper presentation]. 新傳播、新主體與新公民社會國際研討會[International Conference on New Communication, New Subjectivity, and New Civil Society], 師範大學[Normal University], 台北[Taipei].
  • Lei, C. P. (2015, July 2). Is 2046 a year or a room? Nostalgia, spatialization of time and alternative history in Wong Kar-wai’s films [Paper presentation]. MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) PGN Conference, University of Coventry, Coventry.
  • Lei, C. P. (2014, June 28). ‘Nationalism and its discontents in Hong Kong cinema: Four films about the kung fu master Ip Man [Paper presentation]. Film and Media 2014: The 4th Annual London Film and Media Conference, Institute of Education, University of London, London.
  • Lei, C. P. (2014, July 3). Cultural politics of hybridity: Anita Mui and post-colonial Hong Kong [Paper presentation]. The 10th Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, University of Tampere, Tampere.
  • Lei, C. P. (2013, June 28). Questions of stardom and gender in post-colonial Hong Kong culture: Anita Mui [Paper presentation]. Film and media 2013: The 3rd Annual London Film and Media Conference, Institute of Education, University of London, London.
  • Lei, C. P. (2012, July 5). Women in the mood for travel: gender and mobility in Wong Kar-wai’s post-colonial Hong Kong [Paper presentation]. The 9th Crossroads in Cultural Studies conference, Sorbonne University, Paris.
  • Lei, C. P. (2012, June 23). Male crisis and post-colonial identity in the films of Wong Kar-wai [Paper presentation]. The 2nd Annual London Film and Media Conference, Institute of Education, University of London, London.
  • Lei, C. P. (2012, March 19). Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere: Travelling women in Wong Kar-wai’s globalized and post-colonial Hong Kong [Paper presentation]. The Asia Cinema Studies Society Conference, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Lei, C. P. (2011, July 14). Nostalgia, temporal others and cultural resistance: Cinematic narration of alternative history in the films of Wong Kar-wai [Paper presentation]. The 1st Annual London Film and Media Conference, the Institute of Education, University of London, London.
  • Lei, C. P. (2010, July 1). Traveling women: gender and space in Hong Kong’s post-colonial culture [Paper presentation]. MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) PGN Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
  • Lei, C. P. (2009, July 4). In the mood for travel: mobility in Wong Kar-wai’s films [Paper presentation]. The Mobility and Creativity Conference, the University of Surrey, Guildford.
  • Lei, C. P. (2009, July 9). Spatial others in Wong Kar-wai’s films and Hong Kong’s post-colonial culture [Paper presentation]. MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) PGN Conference, University of Bangor, Bangor.
  • Lei, C. P. (2007, July 5). Skyline and power in Macau [Paper presentation]. Cross-Current Interdisciplinary Conference, The University of Sussex, Brighton.
  • Lei, C. P. (2006, July 23). Instable space and identity crisis in Hong Kong cinema [Paper presentation]. MeCCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) PGN Conference, University of Ulster, Belfast.
  • Lei, C. P. (2006, May 28). Colonial and post-colonial culture in Wong Kar-wai’s films [Paper presentation]. The Post-colonial Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton.

Governmental Consultative Committees

  • Consultant member of the Cultural Industry Committee (特區政府文化產業委員會)
  • Consultant member of the Cultural Affairs Committee (特區政府文化諮詢委員會)
  • Consultant member of the Women and Children Affairs Committee (特區政府婦女兒童事務委員會)
  • Non-full time consultant of the Centre for the Studies of the Strategies of Sustainable Development (特區政府可持續發展策略研究中心)

Other Professional and Community Services

  • A jury member in the section of documentary competition (Firebird Award) of the Hong Kong International Film Festival in 2020 [香港國際電影節紀錄片競賽]
  • A jury member in the NETPAC (The Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema) section of the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival in 2016 [台灣台北金馬影展奈派克獎評審]
  • A jury member in the Chinese Film Media Awards (Guangzhou, China) in 2012, 2014 and 2017 [中國大陸華語電影傳媒大獎評審]
  • A jury member in the competition section of the Taiwan International Queer Film Festival in 2015 [台灣國際酷兒電影節競賽項目評審]
  • A jury member in the competition section of Chinese language films of the Taiwan International Documentaries Films Festival in 2014 [台灣國際紀錄片影展華語競賽項目評審]
  • A columnist for a HK newspaper Ming Pao from 2018 – present [香港《明報》專欄作者]
  • A columnist for a Macau newspaper Macaodaily from 2001-2013 [澳門《澳門日報》專欄作者].
  • A columnist for a Macau newspaper Exmoo News from 2012-2014 [澳門《力報》專欄作者].

Invited Talks

  • 「廣東歌的空間與情感:《梅艷芳》的懷舊與姜濤MV的惡夢」[Space and Emotion of Cantopop: Nostalgia in Anita and Nightmare in Keung To’s MVs], The University of Hong Kong, 27/08/2022 (online talk)
  • 「妓女、俠女、潑婦:從梅艷芳看香港電影中的女人」[Women in Hong Kong Cinema: An Analysis of Anita Mui], Tung Wah College, Hong Kong, 13/04/2022 (online talk)
  • 「凝視姜濤:受傷的身體與惡夢的空間」[Gazing at Keung To: Injured Body and Nightmarish Space], The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 12/02/2022 (online talk)
  • 「今天今天星閃閃:流行文化情感/經濟學」[Shinning Stars: Affect and Economics of Pop Culture],The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 11/12/2021 (online talk)
  • ‘Genres as Time Machines: Alternative History in Chinese Cinema,’ Chengchi University, Taipei, 05/12/2019
  • 「明星、性別與香港身份:解讀梅艷芳」[Stardom, Gender, and Hong Kong Identity: Reading Anita Mui], Chengchi University, Taipei, 06/12/2019
  • 「愛恨香港:澳門身份的香港元素」[Loving and Hating Hong Kong: Hong Kong Elements in the Construction of Macau Identity], The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 17/5/2019
  • ‘A City Gazed by the Tourists: Urban Space in the Casino City Macau,’ Webster University (Thailand Campus), Bangkok, 02/02/2017
  • ‘A Legless Bird: Physical Mobility and Fluid Identity in Hong Kong Cinema,’ Webster University (Thailand Campus), Bangkok, 31/01/2017
  • 「五個葉問,五種香港:從五部葉問電影看港片的生存策略與文化意識」[Hong Kong Cinema’s survival Strategies and Cultural Consciousness: An Analysis of Five Films about Ip Man], Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, 01/06/2016
  • 「在賭場旁邊栽種文化:談澳門本土創作」[Planting Culture Beside the Casinos: Local Creative Works in Macau],Dong Hwa University, Hua Lien, 05/05/2016
  • 「用身體超越國族:梅艷芳與張國榮的流行文化政治學」[The Bodies That Transcend Nations: The Cultural Politics of Anita Mui and Leslie Cheung], Chung Hsing University, Tai Chung, 12/04/2016
  • 「香港的蔓珠莎華: 梅艷芳與港式流行文化」[The Flower of Hong Kong: Anita Mui and Hong Kong Pop Culture], The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 22/04/2015

Contact Details

Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS)
Humanities & Social Sciences Building (E21B), 2057
Tel: (853) 8822 8986