Dr. Mark R Johnson
Labour, Play and Technology in Professional Video Game Competition and Broadcast 04/05/2017 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21-G002
Labour, Play and Technology in Professional Video Game Competition and Broadcast 04/05/2017 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21-G002
Migration, Affective Codes and Mobile Technologies 28/04/2017 (Friday) 13:00-14:00 E21-G002
傳人類實習刋物——《生於斯・死於斯》即將面世啦! 一本打破禁忌的刋物, 一場澳門人的生死探索之旅, 書中暢談多個禁忌話題, 採訪鮮為人知的「生死行業」,... 為大家揭開生與死的神秘面紗。 4月24日 一齊見證佢出世啦!
每年傳播週重點節目大四學生畢業作品放映會,今年將會舉辦兩場!係兩場呀!! Video workshop嘅同學日夜顛倒都係為左做出更好嘅作品俾大家睇~今年有六條截然不同嘅題材同風格嘅短片, 你唔係唔黎睇呀? 日期: 4月25、28日 時間: 19:30 地點: E4-G078 到時早啲黎霸返個靚位~
Social Capital, Internet Usage and Health in China 27/04/2017 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21-G002
Open Access Movement and Academic Publishing 20/04/2017 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21-G002
CommFest is an annual public relations campaign launched by senior students of Communication Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau. This year, students chose "SENSES" as the theme. A series of activities have been designed. Please come to join! For more information, please visit Facebook page "UM CommFest 澳門大學傳播週". https://www.facebook.com/umcommfest/ 「傳播週」是由澳門大學傳播系四年級學生所主辦,今年以「傳感應」為主題。歡迎大家參與「傳播週」一系列精彩活動,想知更多,請到「UM CommFest 澳門大學傳播週」Facebook專頁查詢! https://www.facebook.com/umcommfest/