Prof. Colin Sparks

Theoretical questions in comparing media systems 30/11/2017 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21-2001 Scholarly discussion of comparative media systems has been dominated by the work of Daniel Hallin and Paolo Mancini for more than a decade now.  Their ideas have been used in a very wide variety of circumstances, but at the same time some

Umac Bridges Publication Ceremony 2017

On behalf of Umac Bridges, we would like to invite all of you to participate in our publication ceremony at 13:00-14:00 Nov 28, (Tuesday)2017 on the learning commons in the ground floor, E21. Free copies of the magazine and refreshment are provided.

Prof. Tony Schirato and Prof. Mary Roberts

Bourdieu in context: His work and theoretical development. 23/11/2017 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21-G002 In An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology, Wacquant refers to Bourdieu "systemically developing ... a sociological method consisting essentially in a manner of posing problems, in a ... set of conceptual tools and procedures for constructing objects and for transferring knowledge

European Union Short Film Challenge 2017 – Student Film Screening

The University of Macau, Department of Communication and the European Union Academic Programme in Macao (EUAP-M) present the EU Short Film Challenge 2017. On 30 November 2017, 8 short films will be screened at 7pm in the Student Activity Centre Theatre (E31) on the University of Macau campus. This is the fourth

Prof. Benjamin K. Hodges

Kick the Dead Rabbit: Tuxedos, Movies, and Cosmopolitan Urban Imaginaries in Macao 09/11/2017 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21-G002 This talk explores ways in which a cosmopolitan, urbane subject is on display in Macao’s gaming, tourism and leisure industries. Much like the fin-de-siècle flâneur studied by Walter Benjamin, the cosmopolitan tourist and gambler portrayed in

澳大學生刊物榮獲校園學報新聞獎 Student publication from UM wins prizes at China Daily Campus Newspaper Award 2017

澳門大學社會科學學院傳播系學生憑藉中文實習刊物《生於斯˙死於斯》,於中國日報(香港版)主辦的“2017 校園學報新聞獎"奪得最佳新聞寫作亞軍及最佳學報設計季軍,澳大亦是澳門唯一參賽並獲獎的高校代表。 獲獎刊物《生於斯˙死於斯》是由26名澳大傳播系四年級學生共同製作的校內實習刊物,指導老師為傳播系助理教授李展鵬。該刊物以生死為題,圍繞澳門多個社會現象進行探討,包括不育、墮胎、安樂死、殮葬,以及訪問紙紮師傅、遺體化妝師、法醫及康寧醫務人員等。從每一個故事中帶出在澳門“活得好、死得好"並不容易的訊息,因為生死與本地醫療政策、社會福利、法律制度等議題息息相關。 其中由學生許嘉敏和蘇敏欣採訪及撰文的特寫報導《人生的最後一次美麗:訪遺體化妝師》,以細膩的文字道出遺體化妝師的職業甘苦,以及鮮為人知的工作內容和經驗,獲得最佳新聞寫作亞軍。 刊物主編戴祖惠表示,在製作刊物的過程中,發現澳門人面對許多關於生死的問題,冀透過每一個故事讓讀者重新審視生死、人生的意義以及自身成長的地方--澳門。 “校園學報新聞獎"為海峽兩岸暨港澳地區傳媒的青年學子們搭建交流平台,互相探討和學習專業知識技能。今屆活動吸引了28所大學互相較量,參賽作品逾600份。出席頒獎典禮包括澳大傳播系副教授暨大賽評委吳玫、傳播系應屆畢業生戴祖惠、王美美、趙歌盈、毛嘉欣和陳宇東。 A student publication titled NowHere NoWhere from the University of Macau (UM) recently won a third prize in the Best in Overall Design (Chinese) category at China Daily Campus Newspaper Award 2017. An article in the publication also won a second prize in the Best in News Writing