Three UM student films to screen at Macao Panorama of Films

Three UM student films to screen at Macao Panorama of Films This year the Audio-Visual Cut Association will again host it’s “Macao Films and Videos Panorama.” The 2022 edition has been slightly delayed due to the pandemic and will now screen March 17-26, 2023 at the Casa Garden. Audio-Visual Cut Association has

Prof. Ricardo MOUTINHO

23/03/2023 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 Tacitly assumed conventions in food delivery service: dealing with daily contingencies and formal regulations Abstract: Food delivery service is nowadays a pervading element in our everyday life. This presentation takes a praxiological perspective (oriented by ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis) to discuss in detail some daily

Mr. Jonathan Kaufman

14/03/2023 (Tuesday) 15:00-16:00 E21B-G035 The Last Kings of Shanghai: How Two Rival Jewish Dynasties Ignited the Rise of China Abstract: Shanghai, 1936. The Cathay Hotel, located on the city's famous waterfront, is one of the most glamorous in the world. Built by Victor Sassoon--billionaire playboy and scion of the Sassoon dynasty--the hotel


3月11日,粵港澳高校計算傳播學聯盟啟動儀式在北京師範大學珠海校區 (BNU Zhuhai) 國際交流中心舉行。社會科學學院傳播系副教授、澳門研究中心主任林玉鳳作為澳門大學的代表出席了儀式。 啟動儀式上,聯盟9所成員高校代表聚焦「計算傳播學未來的問題」這一議題,展開了深入研討。主要就計算傳播學的基礎理論、研究方法與應用場景研究三個面向以及計算傳播學研究的三個可能維度──技術維度、對象維度和學科維度,與會嘉賓交換了看法,並取得一定共識。此外,聯盟成員高校就彼此間的科研與課程合作進行了充分的交流與討論,取得了積極的成效並達成了初步合作意向。 北京師範大學與香港城市大學、澳門大學、中山大學、深圳大學、暨南大學、華南理工大學、華南師範大學、廣州大學共同發起成立「粵港澳高校計算傳播學聯盟」,並於2021年正式獲批建設。本專業聯盟以提升粵港澳大灣區計算傳播學領域科學研究水平和社會服務能力為宗旨,將致力於匯聚粵港澳大灣區計算傳播學高端人才,打造粵港澳大灣區計算傳播學領域的人才集聚、資源共享、科研創新、社會服務和決策咨詢的高端平臺,深化粵港澳大灣區計算傳播學領域的科學交流和合作研究,培養粵港澳大灣區高水平計算傳播學領域人才,推進粵港澳大灣區社會科學領域創新發展,助力粵港澳大灣區建設。

Prof. Xiaoping Wu & Prof. Richard Fitzgerald

09/03/2023 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 Internet memes and health communication in the time of COVID-19 Abstract: This study examines official health communication through internet memes during the COVID 19 through drawing upon a case study in Shenzhen, China. Due to the worst outbreak in two years, Shenzhen, the southern tech hub and one

Prof. Hodges publishes chapter on Metaverse and spatial design

Prof. Benjamin K. Hodges has published a chapter in - Visions of Space from the Middle Ages to the Digital Age. This publication accompanies the exhibition “ - Visions of Space”, shown at the Francisco Carolinum in Linz, Austria from 01.09.22 to 08.01.23. Quoting the publisher, the collection brings together scholarship

Prof. Dongjing Kang

06/03/2023 (Monday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G035 Taming the Barbarian Empress: Post-alteric Imaginary of Gender Egalitarianism and Pan-Chinese Nationalism in the Legend of Xiao Chuo Abstract: Representations of ethnic minority women often symbolized China’s efforts in nation- building. This study uses insights from the post-alteric frame to analyze the images of the Khitan empress Xiao

Prof. Mike YAO

02/03/2023 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 From Computer-mediated Communication to AI-moderated Communication—prospects and limits of media and human communication research Abstract: The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has dramatically impacted the way we communicate and how we understand communication. With the increasing prevalence of AI-mediated communication, researchers of human communication must take into consideration