Prof. Chao SU

26/09/2024 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 Decoding the Dynamics of Media Platforms: Two Computational Approaches Abstract: This talk will examine the dynamics of media platforms through two research projects employing computational methods. In the first project, a network analysis approach is employed to investigate the citation and co-citation network behind fact-checking content in the

Song (Harris) AO Research Assistant Professor Academic Qualifications PhD in Communication (Hong Kong Baptist University) MSSc in Corporate Communication (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) BA in Communication (Sun Yat-sen University) Current Research Computer-mediated Communication, Mobile Communication, Public Relations, Organizational Communication Publications Ao, S. & Mak, A. K. Y.,  (in press). Regenerative crisis, social

澳大傳播系畢業作品獲最佳新聞報導季軍 Graduation work from UM’s Department of Communication places third at 2019 Campus Newspaper Awards

澳門大學傳播系畢業作品《傳人類.他的一生》中的系列專題報導“言傳身教”獲“2019校園學報新聞獎”最佳新聞報導(中文組)季軍。 活動由中國日報主辦,共有50間來自全國的大專院校參加,參賽作品超過1000份,而大會頒發的獎項僅有26個。當中以新聞內容深度為評審標準的最佳新聞報導獎冠亞季軍,分別由香港樹仁大學、香港中文大學及澳門大學奪得。 《傳人類.他的一生》由澳大2015—2019屆傳播系新聞專業的學生製作,以澳門社會中殘障人士為主題,旨在讓人們了解殘障人士一生中不同階段的經歷以及鮮為人知的生活實況。通過傾聽殘障人士的內心想法,繼而探討及分析他們在社會現況,透過文字呈現出“他(們)的一生”。 The latest issue of Their Entire Life, a Chinese news magazine produced by Class of 2019 graduates of the University of Macau (UM) Department of Communication, won a third prize in the Best Chinese News Reporting category at the 2019 Campus Newspaper Awards. Launched in 2015, the magazine is