28/04/2023 (Friday) 14:45-15:45  E22-G015

A talk with South China Morning Post journalists Siqi JI and Huifeng HE


Journalism is the first draft of history. At this unprecedented time for China’s economic development, how to present every moment and fact fairly, comprehensively and vividly to readers has become a big challenge for journalists on this beat. In this sharing session, South China Morning Post reporters Huifeng HE and Siqi JI will talk about their first-hand experiences on how to find exclusive story ideas through massive data and seemingly mundane daily information, and how to develop a story with both colours, facts and analysis, especially during the Covid-19 lockdowns when there were few chances to do on-the-ground reporting and limited channels to know new sources.


Ms. Siqi JI joined the South China Morning Post in 2020 and covers China economy. She graduated from Columbia Journalism School and the University of Hong Kong.

Ms. Huifeng HE is an award-winning journalist who has been reporting on China since 2001. She has in-depth knowledge on political, economic and social issues in mainland China through years of close observation, which has given her a passion for journalism in the field.