Shih Diing LIU 劉 世 鼎

Professor of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences

Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies

Visiting Scholar, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University

The Affective Spaces Project:


Ph.D. in Communication, University of Westminster, London, UK (funded by ORS scholarship)

MA in Communication, Fu Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, China

BSc in Electronic Engineering, Fu Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, China

Research Focus

  • Gender as an Archive of Feelings
  • Affective AI
  • Cultural Politics of Emotion
  • Social Media as Affective Spaces
  • Performative Politics



Liu, SD and Shi, Wei. 2024. Affective Spaces: The Cultural Politics of Emotion in China. Edinburgh University Press. (Companion Website:

Liu, SD. 2019. The Politics of People: Protest Cultures in China, The State University of New York Press. [Reviewed in The China Journal; H-Net; Contemporary Political Theory; Pacific Affairs]

Book chapters

Liu, SD and Song, L. 2023. ‘Network struggle in China’ in The Right to Resist: Philosophies of Dissent, edited by T. Byrne and M. Wenning. Bloomsbury, p.157-172.

Lin, Zhongxuan and Liu SD. 2018. ‘Becoming immaterial laborer’, Logistical Asia, edited by Brett Neilson et al., Palgrave, p.243-261.

Liu, SD. 2017. ‘Demanding state intervention’, The new global politics, edited by Peter Funke et al., Routledge, p. 234-249.

Lei, Hao Wan and Liu, SD. 2011. ‘Political economy of Macau’s TV industry’ 澳门电视的政治经济学, in Zhang Zhuo and Wang Handong (eds.), The new landscape of Asian television 亚洲电视新景观, Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Publisher.

Liu, SD. 2011. ‘Circumventing the conservative political culture: Cyberprotest in postcolonial Macau’ 夹击保守的政治文化, in Ip Iam Chong (ed.), Grassroots uprising: from virtual to real 草根起义, Hong Kong: Up Publications, p.95-117. (Reprinted in the e-book titled Social media uprising in the Chinese-speaking world)

Liu, SD. 2010. ‘Networking Anti-Japanese protests: popular sovereignty reasserted since 2005’, in Shaun Breslin and Simon Shen (eds.), Online Chinese Nationalism and China’s Bilateral Relations, Lexington, p.73-89.

Journal articles

Shi, Wei and Liu, SD. 2025. Middle-aged women’s tears: rethinking Chinese popular feminism through Sisters Who Make Waves. Feminist Media Studies 25 (1): 137-153.

周敏、劉世鼎(2025)。〈希望勞動:農民工青年在快手上的數字平台實踐〉。 《傳播與社會學刊》,第71期,頁93–120。

Zhou, Min and Liu, SD. 2024. The visibility burden of crafting an idealized factory life: The paradox of Foxconn workers’ self-branding practices on Kuaishou. Information, Communication & Society

Shi, Wei and Liu, SD. 2024. The Ambivalence of Mother Love: Navigating Maternal Subjects through the TV Drama A Love for Dilemma. Television and New Media 25 (7): 639-655.

Zhou, Min and Liu, SD. 2024. Be my boss: Migrant youth and the contradiction of hope labour on Kuaishou. New Media & Society 26 (10): 5858-5876.

Song, Lin and Liu, SD. 2024. Caught between Two Transnationalisms: Mainland Chinese Students’ Emotional Conflicts in Recent Hong Kong Protests. positions: asia critique 32 (4): 873-893.

Tan, Yan and Liu, SD. 2024. ‘Our Advice is to Break up’: Douban’s Intimate Public and the Rise of Girlfriend Culture. New Media and Society

Zhou, Min and Liu, SD. 2024. Regulating tuwei culture and migrant youth through Kuaishou’s platform governance. Policy and Internet 16 (1): 104-120.

Liu, SD and Shi, Wei. 2024. Politics of ambivalence: how Zhou Shen’s androgyny survives under Xi Jinping, Feminist Media Studies 24 (1): 87-102.

Tan, Yan and Liu, SD. 2023. Witnessing #MeToo in Japan: Mapping digital footprints in online news comment sections. Feminist Media Studies 23 (8): 3741-3756.

Song, Lin and Liu, SD. 2023. Demobilizing and Reorienting Online Emotions: China’s Emotional Governance during the COVID-19 Outbreak. Asian Studies Review 47 (3): 596-612.

Shi, Wei and Liu, SD. 2023. ‘The wailing wall as affective space’ 「哭墻」作為情感空間, Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies 文化研究 36: 273-312.

Liu, SD and Shi, Wei. 2022. ‘Why is reconciliation impossible?’. Made in China Journal 6 (3): 127-132.

Zhou, Min and Liu, SD. 2021. ‘Becoming precarious playbours’. The Economic and Labour Relations Review 32 (3): 322-340.

Shi, Wei and Liu, SD. 2020. ‘Pride as structure of feeling: Wolf Warrior II and the National Subject of the “Chinese Dream”’, Chinese Journal of Communication 13(3): 329-343.

Shi Wei and Liu, SD. 2019. ‘The obstacles to Mainland-Hong Kong reconciliation: A comparative analysis of emotional structures of feeling’中港和解的障碍:一个情感结构的比较分析, Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 113 台湾社会研究季刊 113: 127-166.

Liu, SD. 2019. ‘East Asia as subject: Entering Baik Young-seo’s thinking’東亞作為主體:進入白永瑞的思考. Reflexion 思想 38, p. 327-337.

Liu, SD. 2019. ‘Urban public space and local cultural autonomy with Chinese characteristics: Review of Wang Di’s two books on Chengdu teahouse’ 中國特色的都市公共空間與地方文化自主性:評介王笛兩本書—《茶館:成都的公共生活和微觀世界1900-1950》及The Teahouse under Socialism: The Decline and Renewal of Public Life in Chengdu, 1950–2000. Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies文化研究 29: 301-313.

Liu, SD. 2018. ‘Forget Chineseness, and Then? Thinking within the Division System.’ 「忘記中國性」,然後呢?在分斷體制內的思考, Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies文化研究 No. 26: 286-297.

Wong, Hio Tong and Liu, SD. 2018. ‘The cultural activism during the Umbrella movement’, Journal of Creative Communication 13 (2): 157-165.

Shi, Wei and Liu, SD.2017. ‘Politics of fear’ 恐懼的政治性, Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies 文化研究 No.25: 183-214.

Liu, SD and Shi Wei. 2017. ‘Worker struggles and factory occupation in China during the current economic crisis’, Social Movement Studies 16 (3): 355-360.

Zheng, Qi and Liu, SD. 2017. ‘Crowdfunding as a practice of cultural citizenship in China’, Journal of Creative Communications 12 (1): 1-12.

Liu, SD. 2017. ‘The end of occupation’, Interventions 19 (4): 507-531.

Liu, SD. 2016. ‘The struggle over internalization’ 内在化的斗争, Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies 23 (Autumn) 文化研究, p. 230-241.

Lin, Zhongxuan and Liu, SD. 2016. ‘Occupation as prefiguration?’, Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal 2 (2): 775-794.

Liu, SD and Shi, Wei. 2016. ‘The right to be seen’ 被观看的权利, Reflexion 31 思想, p. 1-24.

Liu, SD and Shi, Wei. 2016. ‘Refuse to become disposable’ 拒绝用完即丢, Renjian Review Thought 人间思想, August, p. 176-193.

Liu, SD. 2015. ‘The new contentious sequence since Tiananmen’, Third World Quarterly 36 (11), p. 2148-2166.

Liu, SD. 2015. ‘The meaning of Occupy Central’ 占领中环的夜与雾, Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 101 台湾社会研究季刊 p. 1-51.

Liu, SD. 2015. ‘How to turn “China” into method?’ 中国如何作为方法?, Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 99 台湾社会研究季刊, p. 231-241.

Liu, SD. 2015. ‘Occupy Central as political laboratory’ 作为政治实验室的占领中环, Reflexion 28 思想, p.19-48.

Shi, Wei and Liu, SD. 2014. ‘Living with casinos’, Journal of Youth Studies 17 (7): 930-947.

Liu, SD. 2013. ‘The cyberpolitics of the governed’, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 14(2), p. 252-271.

Liu, SD. 2013. ‘Protests with Chinese characteristics’ 中国特色的抗议, Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 92 台湾社会研究季刊, p. 183-199.

Liu, SD and Shi, Wei. 2012. ‘The depoliticized Taiwan politics’ 去政治化的台湾政治, Reflexion No.20 思想, p.79-108.

Liu, SD. 2011. ‘How do Chinese netizens respond to the Japan earthquake?’, Asian Politics & Policy 3 (4), p.617-619.

Liu, SD. 2011. ‘How do Chinese netizens respond to the Japan quake and nuclear incident?’ 中国网民如何回应日本地震?, The Global Studies Journal 2 国际关系研究月刊, p. 82-84.

Shi, Wei and Liu, SD. 2010. ‘The subject of neoliberalism: An investigative report of Macau’s casino dealers’ 新自由主义的主体, Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 80 台湾社会研究季刊, p.321-366.

Lou, Ivy and Liu, SD. 2010. ‘The internet as Macau’s alternative public sphere’ 网络作为澳门的另类公共领域, Mass Communication Research 102 新闻学研究, p.253-293.

Liu, SD. 2009. ‘The emergence of internet biopolitics in China’ 网络生命政治在中国的浮现, Reflexion 11 思想, p. 57-77.

Liu, SD. 2008. ‘Casino Colony’, New Left Review 50, p. 109-124.

Liu, SD. 2008. ‘Undomesticated Hostilities: The Affective Space in Chinese Cyberspace’, Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 16 (2): 435-455.

Lei, Hao-Wan and Liu SD. 2008. ‘The de-politicizaiton of Macau’s TV management’ 澳门电视的去政治化, Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 72 台湾社会研究季刊, p. 289-308.

Liu, SD. 2007. ‘Macao’s Neocolonialism: Reflections on the 2007 May Day Protest’ 澳门的新殖民主义, Reflexion 7 思想, p. 55-84.

Liu, SD. 2006. ‘China’s popular nationalism on the internet: Report on the 2005 anti-Japan network struggle’, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements, 7 (1): 144-155.

Liu, SD. 2005. ‘Has Colonialism Ended?’ 殖民主义已经结束了吗?,Dushu读书, April, p. 151-159. (Reprinted in The Pathology of Asia 亚洲的病理, Beijing: Sanlian) 

Book reviews, scholarly magazine and newspaper articles

刘世鼎. 2024. 专访|刘世鼎:挖掘被遮蔽的情感经验,有助于理解当今世界的危机。《澎湃思想市场》 (2024.10.16)

刘世鼎. 2024. 拒绝被治好的“神经病”:关于章太炎被命名/自我命名的抵抗主体位置。《澎湃思想市场》 (2024.5.10)

刘世鼎. 2024. 2023年东亚阅读书目. 《谓无名》. (2024.1.5)

刘世鼎, 2022,我们需要新的语言去描述俄乌战争,《保马》, (2022.3.6)

Liu, SD, 2020. ‘Book Review: Illiberal China’, China Information 34 (1): 140-141.

Liu, SD. 2014. ‘Whose Occupy Central?’ 谁的占领中环?, Fangxiang 2 方向, p.311-318. (also appeared in Qua-si 3 跨时)

Liu, SD. 2009. ‘Netizen mobilization, sovereign people, and China’s diplomacy’ 网民动员,主权人民与中国外交, Leaders 31 领导者, p. 42-44.

Liu, SD. 2006. ‘Richard Calichman: Takeuchi Yoshimi – Displacing the West’, Journal of Oriental Studies.

Liu. SD. 2005. ‘Chin-Chuan Lee’s Beyond Western Hegemony’, Chinese Crosscurrents 2(1).

Liu, SD, 2000. ‘The Media, Class Domination and Radical Democracy’ 媒体,阶级宰制和激进民主, Contemporary 当代, No. 155.

Liu, SD. 2000.  ‘A Critique of Globalization’, Contemporary 当代, No. 155.

Contributions to the local press Macau Daily, the ‘Cultural Vision’ supplement (2008-2009):







Research-related assignment

I was selected as the departmental nominee for the Faculty of Social Sciences Research Award, for 2017-18.

I have been assigned to the Research Track since 2017.

Previous experiences

I have been teaching at the University of Macau since 2003. Prior to that, I worked as a financial journalist for China Times during 1999-2000, until I received a Ph.D. offer funded by the British government’s Overseas Research Students Scholarship.

Current and past responsibilities

From 2013 to Spring 2024, I have been serving as Undergraduate Programme Coordinator of the Department of Communication

During 2014-2015, I developed the Taiwan Research Program in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Taiwan.


I was selected as the departmental nominee for the Faculty of Social Sciences Teaching Award, for 2016-17.

Special Topics in Communication and Culture (MA)

Introduction to Culture and Communication (undergraduate)

Qualitative Research Methods (Undergrad, PhD)

Communication Patterns and Culture in Greater China (MA)

Media and Society (undergraduate)

Communication and Social Change (MA)

Intercultural Communication (MA)

Graduate Advising


Dr. SONG Lin (Jinan University)

Doctoral graduates

LIN Zhongxuan (Internet celebrity)

SU Chang (migrant workers)

ZHOU Min (Kuaishou)

GENG Li (shidu失独 activism)

KONG Mengxun (Douyin as queer space)

HUANG Anqi (Xiaohongshu)

LI Zehua (football culture); TAN Yan (intimacy and romance); WANG Linxin (sang culture); WANG Yichen (affective games); ZHONG Yifan; ZHANG Yihuan; HU Huanqiu

Academic Service

Faculty services

Since 2022

Chair of Ph.D. thesis defense committees for the Faculty of Social Sciences

Fall 2023

Coordinator in GE Global Awareness

Summer 2022

FSS Representative in GE Program Reform Committee


FSS Representative in the Scholarship Committee of the Senate


Representative of Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences at the Senate


Member of Faculty Executive Committee


Member of Undergraduate Studies Committee


Coordinator of Taiwan Research Project for FSS

Member of faculty search committee


Examiner of various PhD and Master Thesis committees for Communication, History, Government and Sociology. Member of various Job Search committees.


Member of FSH Undergraduate Studies Committee


Member of UM General Education Course Development Team: World History, Civilization and Cultures


FSH representative on Library Committee

Departmental services


Coordinator, Undergraduate Program

2018 – Summer 2022

Associate Head of Department


Acting Head of Department (Spring)

Chair, Undergraduate Steering Committee


Speaker series coordinator, UM Jubilee Celebration


Examiner of various Ph.D. and MA qualifying exams, advisory and oral defense committees, for History, Sociology and Communication Departments.

Residential College Affiliation

2019-Present CYTC Non-Resident College Fellow

My affiliation with CYTC started in September 2019. I was actively engaged with the CYTC basketball team from 2021 to 2023, participating in the training and fostering the team’s development. Other engagements include Scholarship Committees and Mentorship.

External activities

Advisory Board Membership

Chinese Journal of Communication

I have reviewed manuscripts for the following outlets:

Asian Politics and Policy

Asian Studies Review

China Information

Chinese Journal of Communication

Communication and Society 傳播與社會(香港)

Communication, Culture and Politics傳播,文化與政治(台灣)

Critical Arts

Global Media and China

Government and Opposition

Humanities and Social Sciences Communication

Inter-Asia Cultural Studies

International Journal of Communication

International Journal of Cultural Studies

Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media

Journal of Current Chinese Affairs

Journal of International and Intercultural Communication

Mass Communication Research 新聞學研究(台灣)

New Media and Society

Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies 文化研究(台灣)

Space and Culture

Social Movement Studies

The British Journal of Sociology

The China Journal

Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press

Hong Kong University Press

Johns Hopkins University Press

Other professional activities

I invited these scholars for academic talks or conferences: HUANG Qiqi (UM); SONG Lin (Jinan U); Anthony Fung (CUHK); Steve Jones (UIC); LV Xinyu (ECNU); BAIK Young-seo (Yonsei); Daniel Vukovich (HKU); Allen Chun (NCTU); NING Yingbin (NCU); John Erni (EDUHK); Younghan Cho (HUFS); LEI Qili (ECNU); Stephen Duncombe (NYU); Chris Berry (King’s College); Colin Sparks (Westminster); CHU Yuan-horng; PUN Ngai (Lingnan U); Francis Lee (CUHK); CHUA Beng Huat (NUS); FENG Chien-san (NCCU); Jan Nederveen Pieterse (UCSB)

Founding participant of Co-Lab, a transnational research network for Artistic Activism ( )

Reviewer of Academic Promotion, HKBU (November 2021)

Interview with The Economist on Chinese youth culture (November 2020)

Reviewer of Research Grant and Academic Promotion, United International College, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University

Examiner for Institute of Social and Cultural Research, National Chiao-Tung University (Taiwan)

Reviewer for International Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (UST), Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University

Examiner for MA thesis in Geography, NTU (Taiwan)

Reviewer for PhD thesis, University of Seville (Spain)

Examiner for MPhil thesis, CUHK

Member of Association for Cultural Studies (from 2005-2012)

Member of Cultural Studies Association (from 2006-2012)



Excellence Publication Scheme (funded by Institute of Advanced Studies, UMAC, MOP100,000)


Social Media, Emotion, China (multiple-year project funded by UMAC, MOP120000)


The aestheticization of emotional politics: Thinking through Shouzuyuan (multiple-year project funded by UMAC, MOP125000)


Configuring Macau’s Cultural Imaginaries (multiple-year project funded by UMAC, MOP130000)


Embodied acts of citizenship (multiple-year project funded by UMAC, approx. MOP 80000 per year)


Politics against the state (multiple-year project funded by UMAC, approx. MOP 225K per year)


Macau’s Cyber Culture (1995-2011) (funded by the Cultural Bureau, MOP 160K)


Agonistic public spheres (multiple-year project funded by UMAC, approx. MOP 280K per year); work with Dr. Shi Wei

Ambiguous identities (multiple-year project funded by UMAC, approx. MOP 280K per year); work with Dr. Shi Wei


Theorizing China’s netizen struggle (UMAC, approx. MOP 38K per year)


Network cultures in China: Affective labor and social struggle in the information age (UMAC, approx. MOP 33K)


Comparative Colonialities in China (UMAC, approx. MOP 27.5K per year)

Selected Presentations


‘The Political Life of Affective Spaces’, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University. May 14.



‘Affective Spaces as Method’, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Macau. March 27.

‘Affective Spaces: An Archive of Feelings’, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK. February 23.

‘Affective Spaces: The Cultural Politics of Emotion in China’, Center for the Study of Globalization and Cultures, HKU. January 26.


‘Love Happens for a Reason in This World. So Does Hatred’: Affective Spaces as an Analytical Framework for the Study of Contemporary China, Center for the Study of Contemporary China. University of Pennsylvania. December 1.

‘Affective Spaces as Method’. East Asia Program, Johns Hopkins University. 29 November.



Boundaries of Affective Spaces: Reflections in the Liminal States (with Suzuki Masahisa and Daniel Vukovich).谓无名(Weiwuming), June 23.


‘Affective News Stream’, Digitized Migrants. February 7-8. Vienna, Austria.


“Rethinking China’s Algorithmic Governance: The Case of the Health Code”. Governmentality and the Neoliberal “Order” in China*. Academia Sinica. 11 October. Taipei.

“Intimate Strangers: Nei Di Sheng as Emotional Subjects in Recent Hong Kong Protests”. Re-Worlding Chinese Transnationalisms”. 26-27 August. University of Melbourne, Australia

Affect, Society, Culture. Graduate Studies Lecture Series for the School of Sociology and Anthropology, Xiamen University, 29 June – 15 July (5 sessions)

Guest Speaker: ‘What is the affective space?’, Social Identity and Adaptation Workshop, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 10 January.


Guest Lecture Series: Emotion and Public Culture, Graduate Studies Lecture Series, School of Sociology and Anthropology, Xiamen University, 26 June to 24 July (5 sessions)


‘Some thoughts on the visual’, 4th Audiovisual Communication Summit Forum, Ningbo University, Ningbo, 19-21 April.


Samir Amin and the critique of Eurocentrism, The Historical Context of Globalization and Lessons of the Third World: Reinventing the Intellectual Legacy of Samir Amin, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 7-8 December.

How can Little Pinks inspire Communication Studies? Revisiting the Pathways: Open and Reform and the development of Chinese Communication Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 1-2 December.

News and democracy: From small wishes to master narrative, 2018 Conference on the Development of Business Journalism and Corporate Communication Education in Mainland, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong, Hang Seng University, Hong Kong, 2-3 November.

Media and education in the digital age: A participatory culture perspective, International Media Education Summit, HKBU, Hong Kong, 1-2 November.

Little Pinks and the reinvention of cybernationalism, Spotlight Panel: Configurations of Hope: Youth Activism in Asia, Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Shanghai University, 12-15 August.


Roundtable discussant, The defeat of a sovereign project, Association for Taiwan Studies Annual Convention, National Chengchi University, 3-4 October.

Chair and respondent, China and the World, Association for Taiwan Studies Forum, Wistaria Tea House, 17 January


Politics against the state, Global Studies Conference, Shanghai University, 21 June

Occupy Central: Anti-capitalist experiment and the internal contradiction within the people, HONG KONG BETWIXT AND BETWEEN:香港社會與文化在理論的交叉, Academia Sinica, 1 June.


TDM’s Macau Forum and the English-language talk show (on Taiwan’s presidential election), Macau, January.


‘Macau as the nodal point in the PRD imaginary’, Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, 7 July.

Forum participant on Macau’s TDM, organized by Macau Youth Dynamics, Macau, 13 June.


‘Participatory cultures on the internet’, Chinese Wikimedia Conference, Institute for Tourism Studies, 26-27 December, Macau.

Forum participant on Macau’s electronic media’, organized by City Action, 19 April, Macau.

‘The depoliticization of Macau’s TV management’, An International Symposium on Political Culture and Civil Society in Macao, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, University of Macau, 18-19 March.


‘The emergence of internet biopolitics in China’, Culture and Politics in 20th Century China History: May Fourth as a Site for Rethinking Symposium, Institute of Advanced Studies, Tsinghua University.

‘Las Vegas in China’, Asia Research Institute Cultural Studies Cluster, National University of Singapore, 22 July.

‘Macau’s TV’, organized by City Connection, Macau.

Forum participant on ‘Media and democracy’, with Mr. Yang Jinlin, Lecture Hall of Times, University of Macau, 2 May.


‘The affective space in Chinese cyberspace’, Trauma and New Media Workshop, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 5-6 October.


‘The internet as a site for cross-strait reconciliation?’, Thinking Common Problems: A Literary Critical Symposium, boundary 2 and HKU, 12-14 June.

Conference Presentations

I served as panel organizer, moderator and respondent for international conferences including Rethinking Resistance (University of Macau, December 2012), Becoming Mobilized and Connected (National Taiwan Normal University, 2010), The Biannual Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference, The Biannual Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, and The Annual Conference for Cultural Studies Association (Taiwan).


‘The Art of Not Being Governed Like That: The Grammar of Performative Politics’, Keynote Speech at the International Association for Media and Communications Research (IAMCR), [Plenary Session] Creative Communication and Activism: Catalyst of Change?, Christchurch, New Zealand, July 2.


Tan, Y., & Liu, S.-D. “Our advice is to break up”: Mediating intimacy on Douban [Online presentation by Tan Yan]. The annual conference of the International Association of Media and Communication, Lyon, France, June 27.


‘The network struggle in China’, presented at An International Conference on Communication and Global Power Shifts, Communication University of China, Beijing, October 12-13.

‘Reunification by neoliberalism? Taiwan’s dilemma’, presented at the Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference, 4 July, Paris.


‘Macau as the nodal point in PRD imaginary’, presented at the Annual Conference for Taiwan Social Studies, Shixin University, 25 September, Taipei.


‘Can Depoliticized Politics Explain Social Struggles?’, paper presented at the Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference, Lingnan University, 18 June, Hong Kong.

‘The subject of neoliberalism: The contradictory experience of Macau’s casino dealers’, with Wei SHI, Annual Conference of the Cultural Studies Association of Taiwan, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, 9-10 January.


‘The emergence of internet biopolitics in China’, Culture and Politics in 20th Century China History: May Fourth as a Site for Rethinking Symposium, Institute of Advanced Studies, Tsinghua University, Beijing.

‘The politics of cyber-nationalism in the age of de-politicization’, Cross-Strait Communication Conference, University of Macau, 14-15 June.


‘The web of passions’, Chinese Internet Studies Conference, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 12-13 October.


‘Asia’s political subjectivity in the 60s: The insurrection of Macau’s 12-3 incident’, Cultural Studies Annual Conference, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 6-7 January.


‘Why hasn’t colonialism ended yet?’, Multitude Lives/ Bodies: The 7th Annual Conference , National Central University, Zhongli, Taiwan, 7-8 January.

‘China’s Popular Nationalism on the Net’, The 2005 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, The National University of Arts, Seoul, 22-24 July.

‘Problematizing Asia’s pro-US subjectivity’, Cultural Studies Association Annual Conference, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, 8-9 January.


‘Taiwan and mainland China’s pro-US subjectivity as an alternative frame of reference’, National Identity and Cross-Strait Relations conference, University of Macau, 16-17 December,

Panel and conference organizing


Panel organizer (with Younghan Cho), ‘The neoliberal mutations in South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan’, The Biannual Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference, Paris.

Co-moderator, Rethinking Resistance Conference, 16-8 December, University of Macau.

Panel organizer, ‘The problem of governmentality in Macau and Hong Kong’, The Annual Conference for Taiwan Social Studies, 25 September, Shixin University, Taipei.


Panel organizer and chair, ‘New media and cultural industries in East Asia’, The 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, Shanghai University

Panel organizer, ‘East Asia Memories’, The 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference, Shanghai University

Panel organizer, ‘East Asia as Community of Fate’, The 2007 Cultural Studies Association Annual Conference, National Taiwan University


Respondent, Social Sciences in Macau Conference, organized by Macau Social Sciences Association, 6 October.

Other activities

I receive media interviews on various local and regional media outlets. I was also interviewed by the crew for Code Red, a documentary film that examines how the Internet is impacting politics and transforming Chinese society. Other informal academic activities include:

Digital Jambalaya and Cultural Industry groups (2008)

City Connection (2008)

Macau Club (2004-2005)

Contact Details

Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS)
Humanities & Social Sciences Building (E21B), 2065
Phone: (853) 8822 8989