Xinshu ZHAO

Chair Professor

Academic Qualifications

  • PhD (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
  • MA (Stanford University)
  • BA (Fudan University)

Research Areas

Marketing, Business Administration and Quantitative Social Research

Recent Publications


  • Chen, Albert Hung-yee and Xinshu Zhao (2017): Democracy and Election — Retrospect and Prospect of Hong Kong’s Political Reform. Cosmos Books, November. ISBN 978-988-8258-21-5. About 180K Chinese characters. 陳弘毅、趙心樹 (2017): 「民主與選舉-香港政改的回顧前瞻」, 天地圖書 (ISBN 078-988-8258-21-5), 約18萬字。
  • Zhao, Xinshu (2008): Plight of Elections – A Critique of the World’s Election Systems and the Constitutional Reforms, Revised and Expanded Edition: Sichuan People’s Publishing House, 738 pages, 750K Chinese characters. 赵心树著:《选举的困境-民选制度及宪政改革批判,增订版》,成都: 四川人民出版社,2008年1月, 738页,75万字,ISBN 978-7-220-07537-7.
  • Li, Xiguang and Xinshu Zhao (2002): The Power of the Media, Guangzhou, China: Southern Daily Publishing House, 274 pages, 200 thousand words. 李希光、赵心树著:《媒体的力量》, 广州: 南方日报出版社, 2002年6月, 274页,20万字,ISBN 7-80652-134-8

Book chapter

  • Zhao, Xinshu, Jun S. Liu and Ke Deng (2013). “Assumptions behind intercoder reliability indices,” in Charles T. Salmon (ed.) Communication Yearbook 36, pp. 419-480. New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-52548-0 (hbk) and 978-0-203-11365-3 (ebk).This chapter was republished after minor changes as a journal article (#46 below) in May 2016 when the publisher converted the annual book to a quarterly journal.

Journal article

  • Ng, Y.-L., & Zhao, X. (2018). The human alarm system for sensational news, online news headlines and associated generic digital footprints: A uses and gratifications approach. Communication Research.
  • Zhao, X., Feng, G. C., Liu, J. S., & Deng, K. (2018). We Agreed to Measure Agreement – Redefining Reliability De-justifies Krippendorff’s Alpha. China Media Research, 14(2), 1–15 (Lead article).
  • Zhao, X. (2018). Selective Spiral ——A Mega, Meta, Predictive and Presumptive Theory of Communication. Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication (CJJC), 40(2), 140–153. 赵心树.2018.选择螺旋—一个传播学大理论、元理论、预测理论和预设理论.《国际新闻界》40(2),140-153页
  • Feng, Guangchao Charles, and Xinshu Zhao (2016). “Do Not Force Agreement – A Response to Krippendorff.” Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences 12(4) 145-148. DOI: 10.1027/1614-2241/a000120
  • Zhao, Xinshu, Jun S. Liu and Ke Deng (2013/2016). “Assumptions behind intercoder reliability indices,” Annals of the International Communication Association, 36(1): 419-480. DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2013.11679142 .
  • Parvanta, Sarah A., Jane D. Brown, Shufa Du, Catherine R. Zimmer, Xinshu Zhao & Fengying Zhai (2010) “Television use and snacking behaviors among children and adolescents in China,” Journal of Adolescent Health, 46, 339-345.
  • Zhao, Xinshu, John G. Lynch Jr. & Qimei Chen (2010), “Reconsidering Baron and Kenny: myths and truths about mediation analysis,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37:2, pp. 197-206, August, electronically published February 15.
  • Chung, Hwiman and Xinshu Zhao (2004): “Effects of perceived interactivity on web site preference and memory: role of personal motivation,” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10:1. A summary of the article was published in Proceedings of the Conference of American Academy of Advertising, 2003, pp. 112-113.
  • Chung, Hwiman and Xinshu Zhao (2003): “Humor effect on memory and attitude: moderating role of product involvement” International Journal of Advertising, 22:1, pp. 117-143, February.
  • Youn, Seounmi, Tao Sun, William D. Wells, and Xinshu Zhao (2001): “Commercial liking and memory: moderating effects of product categories,” Journal of Advertising Research, 41:3, pp. 7-13, May/June.
  • Zhao, Xinshu (1997): “Clutter and serial order redefined and retested,” Journal of Advertising Research, 37:5, pp. 57-74, September.
  • Zhao, Xinshu and Fuyuan Shen (1995): “Audience reaction to commercial advertising in China during the 1980s,” International Journal of Advertising, 14:4, pp. 374-390.
  • Zhao, Xinshu and Steven Chaffee (1995): “Campaign advertisements vs. television news as sources of political issue information,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 59:1, pp. 41-65, spring.
  • Zhao, Xinshu and Glen Bleske, (1995): “Measurement effects in comparing voter learning from television news and campaign advertisements,” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 72:1, pp. 72-83, spring.
  • Chaffee, Steven, Xinshu Zhao and Glenn Leshner (1994): “Political knowledge and the campaign media of 1992,” Communication Research, 21:3, pp. 305-324, June.

Course Taught

  • Global Media (UG), Communication Theory (UG), Theories of Communication (MA), Academic Writing for Communication Research (PhD)

Contact Details

Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS)
Humanities & Social Sciences Building (E21B), 2051
Tel: 8822 8837