16/04/2021 (Friday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002
Communicating and Seeking Health Information in the Age of Digital Media
Over the past few decades, the development of Internet has shaped the health communication landscape in many ways. It is clear to see the digital media has become an important source for communicating and seeking health information for various groups. This talk will cover two of my recent studies that explored both the theoretical understanding and practical implementation of health communication in the age of digital media. The first study involved a content analysis to investigate the coverage of HPV-related information on one of the most popular Chinese social media, Zhihu. Results suggested that thematic framing was more often used by the Zhihu articles to disseminate HPV-related issues, and a significant relationship between framing strategy and information coverage was found. The second study applied an online survey to examine the key determinants that predispose individuals’ online information seeking behavior and prevention intent during the COVID-19 outbreak. Results indicated that affective responses, informational subjective norms, and information insufficiency were positively related to online information seeking about COVID-19. These two studies have not only extended the literature of health information coverage in digital media, but also implied their potential impacts on individual’s psychological and behavioral attributes within different health contexts.
Dr Jinhui LI is currently a Professor at School of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University (JNU), Guangzhou China. He received the doctoral degree from Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Prior to JNU, he worked as a Post-Doc Research Fellow at Centre for Healthy and Sustainable Cities, NTU. He has a wide research interest and experience in interdisciplinary domains such as Human-Computer Interaction, Health Informatics and Data Analytics, Psychology and Behavior in New Media. In the past six years, he has published more than 20 peer-review journal articles (17 indexed in SSCI/SCI), including top-tier journals like Journal of Medical Internet Research, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Computers in Human Behavior, and Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. He has also led several research projects funded by national/university grants, as well as served (or serving) as guest editor and editorial board member for peer-review journals such as Frontiers in Psychology.