Part-time Teaching Service

The Department of Communication currently offers broad-based curricula leading to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees. They cover various areas of communication studies (communication theory, intercultural communication, organizational communication, communication skills); vocationally-oriented public communication (public relations, advertising, event planning); media studies and journalism (journalism writing and publication, mass media, new media, digital culture);

Prof. Hodges publishes “Atmospheric Visions” in Shima journal

Prof. Benjamin Kidder Hodges has recently published an article entitled 'Atmospheric Visions: Mirages, methane seeps and ‘clam-monsters’ in the Yellow Sea' in the journal Shima. The article uses Chinese folklore and mythology about the origin of mirages to provide new ways of thinking about deep sea ecology. He brings together scholarship on atmospheres, multispecies

Part-time Teaching Service 2021/2022

The Department of Communication currently offers broad-based curricula leading to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees. They cover various areas of communication studies (communication theory, intercultural communication, organizational communication, communication skills); vocationally-oriented public communication (public relations, advertising, event planning); media studies and journalism (journalism writing and publication, mass media, new media, digital culture);

澳大學者獲邀參加中國共產黨成立100週年海報設計展 UM scholars invited to attend poster design exhibition to celebrate CPC’s centenary

(Please scroll down for the Chinese version 請往下閱讀中文版本) University of Macau (UM) Distinguished Professor Lampo Leong and doctoral student Yang Chao participated in an exhibition titled ‘A Century of Youth: Poster Design Competition to Celebrate the Centenary of the Communist Party of China’. Across the country, a total of 100 designers were invited


UM Professor Lampo Leong’s Work Selected for Art Macao 2021 澳門大型國際文化藝術盛會“藝文薈澳”(Art Macao)開創了澳門“全城美術館、處處藝術園”的展現模式,一個嶄新的城市文化旅遊品牌正在形成,在澳門掀起一股當代藝術的熱潮。2021年7月至10月,“藝文薈澳:澳門國際藝術雙年展2021”再度面世,政府部門、企業及各地藝術家,以“因創造而美好”為主題,為市民和遊客帶來多元視覺藝術體驗。“藝文薈澳”設有主場展、度假村及酒店特展、公共藝術展、創意城巿館、本地作品徵集展以及平行展等板塊,匯聚全球妙思創意,提升世遺名城的美譽度,重塑後疫情時代崇尚美好的人文精神。“藝文薈澳”力求透過大型的國際藝術展覽推動澳門本地的藝術發展,鼓勵創新,讓澳門藝術與國際接軌,為澳門的文化事業和文化創意產業的發展注入強大的動力。本地展览以“全球化的進與退”為主題,透過視覺藝術的形式,詮釋疫情對世界的影響。 澳門大學特聘教授、藝術設計中心主任梁藍波,以及君是坦丁、霍凱盛等12位澳門藝術家的作品獲選澳門藝術家作品展。此展由澳門文化局和旅遊局與多個澳門企業共同舉辦,評選委員會由“藝文薈澳”總策展人、中央美術學院教授邱志杰,文化局副局長梁惠敏,新濠博亞首席創意總監Frederic Winckler,澳娛常務董事梁安琪,永利澳門副主席陳志玲,美高梅文化藝術副總裁郭蕙心,和澳門美術協會會長陸曦等十一位專家所組成。展覽將於8月至10月在澳門市政牧場舊址(牛房)展出。 2020年初,新冠疫情在全球肆掠,世界各國都採取了閉關、封城和隔離等舉措,從政治、經濟到科技、文化和教育等領域,都產生出逆全球化的傾向。梁藍波教授的作品《隔•離》(Glocalization)以當代水墨的形式,形象地詮釋了這種國際新秩序——世界、國家、社群、家庭等等都被無情地隔離,甚至被分割,但畫中湧動的水墨猶如人群,正在努力掙扎著去挑戰這樣一種人為的隔閡。作品借助西方抽象幾何的框架,在延展中國傳統水墨語彙,推進水墨藝術向抽象性和後現代性演化的同時,探索著水墨媒材與國際政治和人們生活的有機聯繫。透過水和墨的穿梭潑灑、碰撞交織,這些充滿爆發力和動勢的筆觸墨痕營造出豐厚強盛的生命張力,讓觀者在解讀這些迷幻空間時體味那種超越時空的審美理想。梁藍波教授的理念和創意獲得了評審專家的充分肯定。 以上新聞報道文字來自於澳門大學校內通告: 更多“藝文薈澳”的信息,請關注:

Part-time Teaching Service 2021/2022 (CAD)

Part-time Instructor for academic year 2020/2021 in Art History, Digital Art and Design University of Macau Centre for Arts and Design (CAD) housed in the Faculty of Social Sciences collaborates with the Department of Communication to offer an interdisciplinary specialization in art, design, and creative media in visual communication leading to Master

Part-time Teaching Service 2021/2022

The Department of Communication currently offers broad-based curricula leading to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees. They cover various areas of communication studies (communication theory, intercultural communication, organizational communication, communication skills); vocationally-oriented public communication (public relations, advertising, event planning); media studies and journalism (journalism writing and publication, mass media, new media, digital culture);