Academic Conference on Global Communication in the Age of Smart Media: Examining Reality and Imagining Future in the Era of Smart Media

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智媒時代的全球傳播國際學術會議 主題 : 智媒時代的現實探索與未來想像 全球的傳播圖景正因智能化技術的革命性發展而變得前所未有的多元多維。人 工智能、區塊鏈、5G 網絡等技術深刻地改造著媒介環境,解構並重構傳播力,進而改 變著媒介與信息、媒介與社會的關係。當智能媒介已然成為社會賴以生存和發展的基 礎性系統,且以全息、全程、全域為尺度擴展信息域,我們必須深入觀察並思考媒介 與傳播、社會、文化、政治經濟之間的複雜互動、背後的權力結構、以及所產生的外 部性效益,以此培育面向未來的智媒格局。 具體問題有:何種主體正推動智能媒介技 術的發展與應用?智能媒介塑造何種新場景與新關係?產生何種信息?催生何種傳播 現象?驅動媒介變革的深層觀念與利益因素為何?本屆研究生論壇從智媒時代的現實 探索與未來想像出發,深化我們對傳播社會新格局、新現象、新問題的再思考。 本屆研究生論壇歡迎學術性與實踐性展示,圍繞但不限於以下議題展開: 智能媒體與行業變革 智能媒體與全球傳播 智能媒介與社會治理 智媒時代的新聞倫理 智媒時代的數字文化 智媒時代的媒介素養 新媒體新聞分析 媒體融合案例分析 網絡短劇分析 粉絲文化分析 創作類短視頻 主辦單位 : 澳門大學社會科學學院傳播系 協辦單位 : 浙江大學傳媒與國際文化學院 舉辦時間 : 2020 年 12 月 18 日 線上會議 : 騰訊會議 詳細信息以及如何報名,請參閱英文說明最後兩段 Academic Conference on Global Communication in the

Part-time Teaching Service

The Department of Communication currently offers broad-based curricula leading to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees. They cover various areas of communication studies (communication theory, intercultural communication, organizational communication, communication skills); vocationally-oriented public communication (public relations, advertising, event planning); media studies and journalism (journalism writing and publication, mass media, new media, digital culture);

Part-time Teaching Service

The Department of Communication currently offers broad-based curricula leading to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees. They cover various areas of communication studies (communication theory, intercultural communication, organizational communication, communication skills); vocationally-oriented public communication (public relations, advertising, event planning); media studies and journalism (journalism writing and publication, mass media, new media, digital culture);

梁藍波、楊超獲“2020中國包裝創意設計大賽”一等獎 UM Prof. Lampo Leong and Chao Yang Awarded First Prize in 2020 China Creative Design Competition

澳門大學特聘教授梁藍波和博士生楊超的海報設計《墨道東西》獲中國包裝聯合會“2020中國包裝創意設計大賽”自主命題設計專業組一等獎 (獲獎率1.6%)。 Poster design, The Dao of Ink, by University of Macau Distinguished Professor Lampo Leong and PhD student Chao Yang, has received the First Prize in the Professional Category of Creative Design in Self-Defined Theme in 2020 China Creative Design Competition (146 works awarded first prizes out of 8867 entries, 1.6%

Part-time Teaching Service

The Department of Communication currently offers broad-based curricula leading to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees. They cover various areas of communication studies (communication theory, intercultural communication, organizational communication, communication skills); vocationally-oriented public communication (public relations, advertising, event planning); media studies and journalism (journalism writing and publication, mass media, new media, digital culture);

Part-time Teaching Service

The Department of Communication currently offers broad-based curricula leading to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees. They cover various areas of communication studies (communication theory, intercultural communication, organizational communication, communication skills); vocationally-oriented public communication (public relations, advertising, event planning); media studies and journalism (journalism writing and publication, mass media, new media, digital culture);

Part-time Teaching Service

The Department of Communication currently offers broad-based curricula leading to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees. They cover various areas of communication studies (communication theory, intercultural communication, organizational communication, communication skills); vocationally-oriented public communication (public relations, advertising, event planning); media studies and journalism (journalism writing and publication, mass media, new media, digital culture);

澳大學生畢業作品記錄全城抗疫 UM students’ graduation works tell stories of Macao residents during the epidemic

澳門這幾個月全城齊心抗疫,澳門大學傳播系大四學生因時應勢,透過訪問超過20位澳門人的日常與不尋常,記錄這座小城的防疫及抗疫故事,並結集成畢業作品《傳人類2020.全城抗疫記》。 畢業作品共分“他們守在疫情的第一線”、“停課停校不停「學」”、“被疫情叫停的龍頭展業”、“城市齒輪未曾停歇”和“鎂光燈外的一群”五部分,訪問了醫生、警察、海關員、家長、老師、酒店員工、外勞、外賣員等等,講述他們防疫及抗疫時的甜酸苦辣。此外,亦有文章就疫情期間各地頻生的歧視事件,以及人類該如何對待野生動物的議題進行反思。 《傳人類2020.全城抗疫記》現已出版,可免費於八分目、边度有書、Rooftop、The Perfect Moment我的珈啡時光、Single Origin、文藝門、澳門大學圖書館、澳門科技大學圖書館、旅遊學院圖書館、澳門中央圖書館、何東圖書館、沙梨頭圖書館、青洲圖書館、氹仔圖書館、渡船街婦聯以及水坑尾婦聯取閱;另外亦可閱於Philo和澳門大學各大書院。 The University of Macau (UM) Department of Communication recently published the latest issue of the student magazine Communicator, which is titled ‘A Tale of Macao During the Pandemic’. Produced by fourth-year students of communication studies, this issue contains interviews with more than 20 Macao residents on