Dr Shuaishuai WANG

25/03/2021    (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 Global Digital Culture Industry: The Case of TikTok/Douyin This talk unpacks the integrated ways in which Douyin makes trending items (爆款) for monetization. Differing from the umbrella term “viral video,” trending items represent the audiovisual assemblage of creators, sounds, filters, effects, stickers, word bubbles, and possibly, embedded links

Ms. Yusa WANG

18/03/2021    (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 Monetised Digital Platforms: The discursive, multi-modal techniques of China’s female and male wanghong (internet celebrities) The development and spread of the internet and social media technologies across China have provided people with alternative pathways for achieving celebrity status and wealth. Such persons, known as wanghong (internet celebrities), can

Dr. Xiaoping WU

04/03/2021    (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 Reaching for the stars: DingTalk and the Multi-platform creativity of a ‘one-star’ campaign. The rapid development of social media and mobile technologies has given rise to numerous forms of creative practices in China’s digital environment. One of the characteristics of this environmment is how users engage across platform

Prof. Tien Tsung LEE

04/02/2021    (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 The power of liberal-conservative ideology and its connection with media use Instead of focusing on a single study, this talk will discuss the role of ideology in American politics and society as examined by the speaker throughout his research. Ideology, often operationalized as a liberal-centrist-conservative continuum, is

Prof. Changpeng Huan

22/01/2021    (Friday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 Sketching landscapes in discourse analysis (1978–2018): Key scholars, influential works, and trending research topics John Swales’ 1986 article ‘Citation analysis and discourse analysis’ was the first to apply citation analysis to describe in-text citations in the field of discourse analysis. Howard White’s 2004 article ‘Citation analysis and discourse

Prof. Yuan-Horng CHU

31/10/2019   (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 The Fun We Enjoyed Should Never Be Taken For Grante This talk introduces how "the politics of fun" is an important issue of social and cultural research. Since the Twentieth Century, the American Strength of world domination lies not so much as a military force as it is the cultural hegemony that it becomes

Prof. Zhongshi (Steve) GUO

17/10/2019   (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 Dynamics of framing research Framing research, despite revived interest and increasing popularity in the field of political communication, has entered a cul-de-sac, or what Thomas Kuhn termed "normal science." This study explores five major sources of variance that have been ignored in existing literature on framing with the

Dr. Lin SONG, Postdoctoral Fellow

03/10/2019   (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 U Can U BB: Critical Regionality and Digital Media in a Chinese Online Talk Show This talk analyzes the Chinese online talk show U Can U BB, or Qipa Shuo, as an exemplar in the rise of digital media production in Asia. Situating the show in regional exchanges

Prof. Chris Fei SHEN

19/09/2019   (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21B-G002 Cross-National Variation in Political Network Size and Distribution Abstract Understanding the size and distribution of social networks is perhaps one of the most fundamental and important goals of network science. However, the many estimates of network size in the literature are based on widely different definitions of the

Prof. Xiaohui PAN

The Landscape of China’s Philanthropic Films: Dilemmas and Disputes 05/09/2019 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00 E21-G002 While most images of China focus on its growing cities and wealth, this does not show the complete story. Many people, especially those living in China’s inner provinces, are poor and lack access to many of the educational and