澳門大學社會科學學院傳播系學生憑藉中文實習刊物《生於斯˙死於斯》,於中國日報(香港版)主辦的“2017 校園學報新聞獎"奪得最佳新聞寫作亞軍及最佳學報設計季軍,澳大亦是澳門唯一參賽並獲獎的高校代表。





A student publication titled NowHere NoWhere from the University of Macau (UM) recently won a third prize in the Best in Overall Design (Chinese) category at China Daily Campus Newspaper Award 2017. An article in the publication also won a second prize in the Best in News Writing (Chinese) category. UM is the only university from Macao to have participated in this year’s competition and won an award. The publication was jointly created by 26 fourth-year students from the Department of Communication. Their instructor is Assistant Professor Lei Chin Pang. Organised by the China Daily Asia Edition, this year’s competition received more than 600 entries from 28 universities.